curious notes

All animals are cute

It is sometimes cautioned that you shouldn't allocate your caring to animals just because they happen to be cute. An animal's worthiness of care does not depend on its cuteness. To go by cuteness is to mistake our own reactions for what matters morally. Many non-cute animals need protection. So goes the argument.

However, a different resolution is possible. We can grant that for example it's wrong to eat baby seals because they are cute, if we also admit the following: that, if you see clearly, all animals are cute.1

I won't offer a theoretical account of cuteness although a useful hint here might be that things that are both vulnerable and valuable appear cute. For those who do not find the thesis plausible, I instead suggest cuteness meditation using as a focus an apparently ugly animal. I have previously suggested the bizarre wrinkled bat as a beginning-level focus: link.

  1. My twitter posts on this subject.